Hurray for Friday!
Oh wow, I survived this week and I'm so happy about it!
Sunday, I got the news that my husband is getting PCSed (moving per orders) to Washington come April. I am actually very excited about this, though I have no idea how it's going to work out.
I also got my new student, which has been interesting... Not the biting and kicking I was dreading, but lying and faking and rumor-starting that I wasn't really anticipating at all. I am definitely going to learn some new tactics!
But mostly, I wanted to write about how awesome today was. So many things went well that I wasn't anticipating.
I was late to the staff meeting, but luckily I had the excuse that I was showing the new EA in my classroom the ropes. And it's true. (I despise staff meetings. I swear, every time something is brought up, there is a long stare in my direction. As in, "Don't disparage the tests on social media." {Long stare in my direction.} That happened after I sent someone some info on opting out. That's not disparaging. Or, "Get your PDP in on time." {Stare.} Or even, "Our students may not pick up trash during recess for bad behavior." {Stare.} That last one, I didn't even know it wasn't allowed.*)
Then I had an unexpected meeting with a parent. I was expecting to be grilled. However, we came to a great understanding and hopefully that student's behavior will soon improve.
My students also had an amazing day of learning. We went outside with a soccer ball and used a hill to demonstrate how to round! Then we played a few other math games and wrote letters to a sick boy in Washington. It was seriously awesome. We had such a great day, all learning and having fun.
I also found some new ideas to try out:
For 6th grade reading, I'm going to start out with the whole group reading of Bridge to Terabithia. In addition, I'm starting out 6th grade math with Around the World multiplication, and adding connect 4 divisibility to one of the center games. I'm also adding a legit writing center to 6th grade reading.
Hurray for Friday inspiration!
*Dear loved principal, please don't take this is as badgering. I love you and I think you are wonderful. Thank you for not calling me out by name during these meetings, and for not firing me when my plans were overdue the last three times.
Sunday, I got the news that my husband is getting PCSed (moving per orders) to Washington come April. I am actually very excited about this, though I have no idea how it's going to work out.
I also got my new student, which has been interesting... Not the biting and kicking I was dreading, but lying and faking and rumor-starting that I wasn't really anticipating at all. I am definitely going to learn some new tactics!
But mostly, I wanted to write about how awesome today was. So many things went well that I wasn't anticipating.
I was late to the staff meeting, but luckily I had the excuse that I was showing the new EA in my classroom the ropes. And it's true. (I despise staff meetings. I swear, every time something is brought up, there is a long stare in my direction. As in, "Don't disparage the tests on social media." {Long stare in my direction.} That happened after I sent someone some info on opting out. That's not disparaging. Or, "Get your PDP in on time." {Stare.} Or even, "Our students may not pick up trash during recess for bad behavior." {Stare.} That last one, I didn't even know it wasn't allowed.*)
Then I had an unexpected meeting with a parent. I was expecting to be grilled. However, we came to a great understanding and hopefully that student's behavior will soon improve.
My students also had an amazing day of learning. We went outside with a soccer ball and used a hill to demonstrate how to round! Then we played a few other math games and wrote letters to a sick boy in Washington. It was seriously awesome. We had such a great day, all learning and having fun.
I also found some new ideas to try out:
For 6th grade reading, I'm going to start out with the whole group reading of Bridge to Terabithia. In addition, I'm starting out 6th grade math with Around the World multiplication, and adding connect 4 divisibility to one of the center games. I'm also adding a legit writing center to 6th grade reading.
Hurray for Friday inspiration!
*Dear loved principal, please don't take this is as badgering. I love you and I think you are wonderful. Thank you for not calling me out by name during these meetings, and for not firing me when my plans were overdue the last three times.