Sub Plans/Freebies/ & More!

Well, it's October!
At the beginning of the series I mentioned that Jared would be leaving to basic training in October. He is flying out on October 15th, which is right now a very crushing feeling. We just got married three weeks ago! The good news is, I can imagine that with him gone, I will probably continue to blog a lot more. I am sad that I started this blog to keep track of my first year and I haven't blogged as much as I intended!
Anyway, enough about that! I found a really cool resource for emergency sub plans, since I am taking off Tuesday and Wednesday to be with Jared. 
Teaching With Style has a whole list of resources for emergency sub plans. 
In addition to this, I would like to share a super simple worksheet that I have been using to keep myself on track. It's my Weekly Teaching Checklist, which helps me ensure that I get all of my plans done, and that I don't forget anything in the process! It kind of goes along with my previous post about Transmath and Language Live, since I have an activity for the students to do for the 20 minutes they are at the "Hands On" station. 

Are any readers out there military spouses? How do you deal with your spouse being gone?

So... I can't figure out how to attach a document, so until I do, here is my checklist, haha!

Weekly Checklist

o      6th Grade Math Homework
o      5th Grade Math Homework
o      6th Grade Language Homework
o      5th Grade Language Homework
o      Check Homework on Wednesdays
      Check Vport online grades on Friday

Lesson Plans
o      6th Grade Math, Monday – Friday
o   Teacher plans- smartboard prep
o   Activity Plans
o      5th Grade Math, Monday – Friday
o   Teacher plans- smartboard prep
o   Activity Plans
o      6th Grade Language
o   Teacher plans- smartboard prep
o   Activity plans
o      5th Grade Language
o   Teacher plans- scaffolding
o   Activity plans
o      Orten Gillingham Plans
o   Lessons
o   Materials
o      Check schedule for IEP meetings, staff meetings, etc
o      Board: post announcements
o      Update Data Binder


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