Going the Distance
So, I failed in my blogging duties this week! My cat decided to eat my computer charger, and it has been a very crazy week!
I mentioned that I may include more personal stuff on this blog in addition to the posts regarding teaching, so here it is!
This week, my boyfriend of almost 4 years, Jared, signed up for the military. We had been talking about it for several months now, so I wasn't surprised when he had to go take his ASVAB or when he went to MEPS to get his physical. I was, however, a little surprised when he called me and told me to meet him in an hour so I could watch him swear in! It was interesting trying to get myself and the two very sweet and respectful kids I've been watching all the way across the city twice in an hour. In the end, I didn't even get there on time, and they actually had to hold out and wait for his swear-in ceremony, which the MEPS staff was apparently not too happy about... All in all, it was an exciting and stressful day! I am extremely nervous about him leaving, but I am really proud of him too! And now that he's signed the paperwork, he feels much less stressed!
I'm not too sure about what happens next, but I do know that he will not be leaving for Basic Training until October 15th, so now I will be sure to treasure the rest of the time we have together until then! (In addition to setting up my room, which I'm still struggling with. More on that next week!!)
Any Army wives or girlfriends out there with some advice? I would definitely be appreciative of any you've got!